The target countries of Young Energy Europe coudn’t be more different. This is true from an economic and political point of view as well as from the perspective of climate protection. But there is one common point: the need to enhance climate protection measures in companies.
This is where Young Energy Europe comes in by raising awareness among employees for energy and ressource efficiency as well as for the impact of business activities on the climate – always in accordance with national requirements, goals and strategies. Recent feasibility studies, drawn up by the Chambers of Industry and Commerce Abroad (CCI) in all four countries, underline the prospects of success for the project.
Considerable potential lies in the growing Greek tourism sector, in which measures like increasing the energy efficiency of buildings can lead to good results. Czech companies have a strong interest in the efficient configuration of energy intensive production processes. Companies in Prague, but also in the Zlín-Region, shall benefit from know-how about energy efficiency measures provided in local trainings. The current positive economic development in Hungary allows for investments in energy efficiency. In support of this, the focus of the training will be on the modernization of lighting systems and on raising awareness among employees for energy efficiency measures.
The first Young Energy Europe workshop will take place in Bulgaria in June. Participants will learn to develop their own energy efficiency project and thus actively participate in the implementation of the national Energy Strategy 2020, which attaches particular importance to energy efficiency in the business sector. (ah)