On June 11, the new Energy Scout instructors and the team of the German-Hungarian Knowledge Center (DUWZ) discussed the training material and further details of the first training sessions.
Mrs. Mária Boros-Huber, Managing Director of the DUWZ, is convinced that young employees who are sensitized by the project Young Energy Europe can actively reduce the energy and ressource consumption of their company.
Possible synergy effects of the cooperation with EUREM EnergyManagers have been adressed. “Furthermore the question was raised how innovative approaches triggering environmental awareness in firms could be promoted” reports Bálint Lengyel, Project Coordinator of Young Energy Europe in Hungary.
Not only the heterogeneous composition of teams from different business divisions but also the focus on young employees who meet the challenges of energy and resource efficiency with an open mind will help to identify new and unconventional approaches.
Practical aspects of the training weren’t forgotten: the instructors familiarized themselves with the measuring devices available for the trainings and performed first tests.