Following the successful launch of Young Energy Europe at the Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, further training sessions took place at the National Technical Library in Prague on October 9 and 10. In the modern building, which resembles a round-edged cube, the young employees had a theoretical lecture on climate protection and energy management. They also learned how to achieve significant energy savings in lighting and cooling. During the remaining part of the seminar, the participants concentrated on their own energy-related projects. The focus was on internal communication which constitues a key element for the success of the projects.
The practical implementation in the companies has also begun: Energy Scouts from Adient Czech Republic k.s., a leading manufacturer of automotive accessories, carried out various measurements on the company premises. Among other things, they measured energy and water consumption in order to detect potential savings. After consulting with their company’s management, the team decided to develop a practical project in the field of water management.