17 Energy Scouts from seven companies presented their energy-saving projects to an expert jury in Thessaloniki on September 10th. For the first time, the event took place in a hybrid format – with participants on site and others joining online.
The main prize was awarded to Panagiotis Kapelios and Adam Balampanis from TrainOSE, a railway company in Greece. The Energy Scouts proposed three measures to save energy in the company’s workshops in Thessaloniki. They calculated that switching to LED lighting could reduce energy consumption and lighting costs by around 75%. In addition, an upgrade of the compressed air circuit could lead to improved air compressor operation and further cost reductions. Finally, a reduction in the amount of heating energy required is sought by integrating pre-heated air from other areas of the workshops.
The second place was shared by Energy Scouts Despoina Tsipouri from the Greenext Drilling Company and Athanasios Toliopoulos from the engineering firm Georgios Papadopoulos. Despoina Tsipouri calculated that replacing fluorescent lamps with LED light sources and installing a vegetation cover on the roof for thermal insulation will lead to annual cost savings of 580€. Athanasios Toliopoulos‘ approach to save energy in the engineering office includes the installation of a new air conditioning system and switching to lighting with LED lamps. In addition, he plans to implement thermal insulation and PVC windows. The amortization period is 8 years.
About 30 guests attended the event both on site and online, including representatives of the German Consulate and the Greek Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Thessaloniki.