Ten teams with 21 Energy Scouts competed on October 9 in Brno for the best Czech efficiency project of the year. At a Young Energy Europe event the Energy Scouts presented their plans for saving energy or resources in their company to an expert jury.
Denis Kirpikov and Jiří Kašpar from the dairy Madeta a.s. in Planá nad Lužnicí won the first prize because they simultaneously addressed four areas with improvement measures. They are planning to save 81 m3 of hot water per year with flow limiters, created a car-sharing exchange for employees using an interactive map, calculated the savings potential of the conversion to LED lighting in two cheese dairies and sensitized employees to the subject of standby power and lighting with information posters. The LED lighting measures can reduce CO2 emissions by 18 t and the carpooling exchange can reduce emissions by up to 40 t per year.
Second place went to Petra Bradáčová, David Marek and Jiří Vaculík from automotive supplier Brose CZ spol. s.r.o. with a concept for the use of rainwater. In future rainwater will be collected and stored underground on the company premises. It can be used both for watering the outdoor areas according to demand but also for air-conditioning the workshops and cooling the welding processes by means of heat exchangers. In this way, 4,560 m3 of drinking water and 185 MWh of electrical energy can be saved annually which avoids the emission of a total of 145 t CO2.
Third place went to Carolina Vosátková, David Vedral and Pavel Němec from AV MEDIA EVENTS and Kuoni Global MICE, organizers of trade fairs and events. They established a project for the digitalization of accounting which not only accelerates the work process but also saves around €4,000 in printing costs per year and thus emits 214 kg less CO2. By qualifying as Energy Scouts, they will be able to better advise event customers on energy and resource consumption in the future.
René Harun, Deputy Managing Director of the German-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and Pavel Zámyslický, Director for Energy and Climate Protection at the Czech Ministry of the Environment congratulated the successful Energy Scouts. On the fringes of the international engineering fair MSV, the honoring of the best Energy Scouts in the rooms of the Brno Chamber of Commerce offered the 45 guests an inspiring exchange platform.
In the beginning of 2020, the AHK Czech Republic will offer young employees a qualification as Energy Scouts in Prague again – applications for the few free places are currently still being accepted by the AHK Czech Republic.