Regardless of the industry to which a Company belongs: All companies consume energy while operating production facilities, for lighting and heating systems, IT and electrical appliances, but also due to user behaviour of employees. Thus it is also worth to start looking for energy saving potential in any industry and company.
Young professionals in Greece are now trained to do so! The first Energy Scout Workshop organised by the CCI Greece took place at the multicongress Capital + Vision in Athens. Young employees from a wide range of companies gathered to learn to identify energy-saving potentials and to leverage them by implementing efficiency measures in their companies.
The first module “Introduction to Climate Protection” included a general overview on climate protection, national and international consequences of climate change as well as practical measures for climate protection in the companies. During the subsequent workshops, which took place on November 12-14, in the Dual Hellas training centre, the participants discussed aspects of company mobility, energy and resource efficiency.
The 16 prospective Scouts have actively exchanged ideas and are now working on their company projects. At the beginning of December they will visit a company to try out the measuring instruments together.