The Knowledge Center of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCI) invited representatives from key stakeholder groups to a workshop on March 7. Company representatives responsible for energy management and human resources, graduates and teachers of the EUREM training as well as representatives of the Secretariat for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning at the Ministry for National Economy engaged in a lively discussion.

Janine Hansen (DIHK Service GmbH) and Peter Sülzen (Chamber of Commerce and Industry Offenbach am Main) held input speeches presenting the European project Young Energy Europe and the success of Energy Scouts at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Offenbach am Main. Offenbach is the partner chamber of the German-Hungarian CCI and fosters a strong relationship with Hungary. Another item on the agenda were discussions concerning implementation of the project in Hungary. The adaptation of teaching material to national realities, company perspectives on the training content as well as the connection to the active network of EUREM graduates were major topics. The EUREM training (European EnergyManager CCI) trains employees to become expert in efficient energy technology and energy management. The EUREM Training is being offered by the Knowledge Center of the German-Hungarian Chamber as an extra-occupational training and is targeted at technical experts and companies’ executives as well as energy service providers.
The results of the discussions which took place during the Young Energy workshop will now be integrated in a feasibility study to achieve a better implementation of the qualification of Energy Scouts in Hungary.