March 2021 – Energy Scout reduces water consumption during pump inspection at Wilo Hellas

Wilo was founded in Dortmund in 1872 and was initially a copper and brassware factory. Over the course of its long history, Wilo has developed into a global player in the field of pumps and pump systems for applications in building services, water management and industry. Currently, Wilo has 15 main production sites, is represented by more than 70 production and sales companies and employs around 7700 workers in more than 90 countries worldwide.

Pumps are intensively cleaned before inspection
Energy Scout Dimitris Tsamadias works for Wilo Hellas in Athens and developed a concept to save water in the process of cleaning pumps before repair or maintenance. According to technical standards, pumps are cleaned before inspection by a technician with a wash water delivery at a water pressure of 4-6 bar, a temperature above 70°C and a water supply of 100 l/min. Compliance with these parameters is relevant to quality and must be ensured.

The washing water must be at least 70°C
Previously, a pump wash lasted 20 minutes. During the first 5 minutes, the temperature of above 70° C could not be reached, because of the complex water supply circuit in the plant.

The Energy Scout therefore searched for a solution, how the water at the workstation could reach a temperature of above 70°C as quickly as possible. This would save water, energy and time. On around 15 days a month, approximately three pumps are flushed and checked daily with 6 m³ of water. The previous water consumption for the process therefore amounts to 1,080 m3 of water.

Energy Scout Dimitris Tsamadias therefore developed an additional hot water circulation system to provide the required hot water immediately. A timer regularly takes a little hot water from the hot water boiler and passes it through the additional circuit. A onetime investment of only € 420 provides direct access to hot water and saves about 25% of the water used in the pump cleaning process for years to come.

System Optimization


Consumption of Water

  • Industry sector: Mechanical engineering
  • Potential water saving: 270 m3/a
  • Potential cost reduction: 1,780 €/a
  • Investment costs: 420 €
  • Payback period: 3 months
  • Company:
    Wilo Hellas SA
    Pumps & Pumping Systems
    Ag. Athanasiou St 80
    145 69 Anoixi-Attika
Energy Scout Dimitris Tsamadias during the presentation of his project. (©AHK Greece)
The more than 70°C hot water is now available instantly and saves 25% of water consumption in the process. (©Wilo Hellas SA)
The workstation of the Energy Scout – this is where the delivered pumps are washed and tested. (©Wilo Hellas SA)