On April 15, the lectures for trainers of Energy Scouts took place in Brno, second largest city in the Czech Republic after Prague. They discussed the concept of the training, lessons learned from last year and updates of the curriculum.
On April 16, the workshop for Energy Scouts started in the premises of the Brno Coworking Space Impact HUB. The Energy Scouts received general information about the Young Energy Europe program and instructions on how to work on their practical projects. The scouts will not only acquire theoretical knowledge but will also conceive a practical project for their company. In the first training session, they focused on climate protection, the basics of energy efficiency, and project management. The teams already set to work on ideas for their projects.
This year 28 scouts from twelve companies started their training in the Czech Republic. During the next four training days they will learn to identify potentials for energy efficiency in their companies and in summer they will start to develop solutions to address these.